Zeixault Vienivat

Misanthropic underground alchemist


  • Name - Zeixault Vienivat

  • Age - 28

  • Nameday - 12/29

  • Race - Half Ishgardian, Half Duskwight

  • Pronouns - He/They (or, rather, the more impersonal, the better)

  • Orientation - Aro/ace

  • Residence - Ishgard

  • Profession - Alchemist

  • Alignment - Neutral Evil

  • Strengths - Ambitious, observant, talented, skilled with knives

  • Weaknesses - Hypocritical, self-loathing


  • Likes: Control.

  • Dislikes: Humanity.


Cynical. Distrustful. Irritable. Believes himself to be superior in all respects, but has a very deeply ingrained self-hatred. He can be eccentric, irrational and prone to violence. Very loose morals, and does not value life at all.

Physical Appearance

  • Hair - Long, dark green with lighter green highlights

  • Eyes - Verdant green

  • Height - 209cm

  • Notable Features - Pale freckles covering his skin; many scars littering his body from his youth; can’t see much out of right eye and often keeps it covered

Skills / Talents

  • Good at quickly analyzing situations, going unnoticed, alchemy / crafting poisons

  • Bad at controlling anger, trusting others

Random Details

  • Hates people; disgusted by them on a general level (including himself).

  • Doesn't like touching things with his bare hands; almost always wears gloves.

  • Usually smells like eucalyptus or a sharp chemical scent.

  • Inherited (sort of) a house and renovated the interior only; doesn’t want visitors.

  • Spends most of his time in his workshop.


Early Years

Zeixault had a very difficult upbringing. He was a bastard child and virtually unwanted by his family. His mother was an Ishgardian woman from the minor noble Caulignont house, though she never spoke of them. His father, whom he has never met, was a wandering duskwight, presumably from the Black Shroud, who forced himself upon Zeixault's mother.His mother was often distraught and quietly hated him, seeing him as the cause of her suffering, the Fury's punishment for her. Her family had already been in a tenuous position politically, and they disowned her when they found out about the unsanctified pregnancy, severing all ties. Zeixault and his mother lived in absolute poverty for the early part of his childhood until, when he was seven years old, she poisoned herself, committing suicide and leaving him to fend for himself in the Brume.Zeixault learned to steal, lie, cheat - do anything to survive, even murder, if he thought it was necessary.

Life on the Streets

As a young child, Zeixault was precocious and arrogant. He was unusually devoid of humor and never seemed to laugh or play like a normal child. He didn't speak much, and when he did, it was usually to correct someone's mistake. This, obviously, was not something that helped him survive on the streets. He made enemies of the other orphaned, unfortunate children, and quickly learned to keep silent rather than draw attention unnecessarily. He learned to reside in the shadows, hide when he needed, take what he wanted without anyone any the wiser. And when he was noticed, he quickly realized he needed to silence his enemies and prevent retaliation.Zeixault became proficient in fighting the hard way, by getting into numerous fist- and knife fights with bloody endings. As an adult, he still has many scars from them, including one across his face that damaged his right eye, making it very difficult to see out of, to the point where it is easier to just keep it covered.

Earning a Name

One day, Zeixault tried to pickpocket the wrong person, which was how he met the man who would come to be his mentor in alchemy and the drug trade, Cyril Montaigne. He was an older gentleman from a minor noble house, who had stepped into the depths of the Brume on some unsavory business. Twelve-year-old Zeixault wrongly assumed the man had gotten lost and would make an easy target. Cyril, a pragmatist and collector of people who might be useful, apprehended him. After some questioning that yielded very limited, uninformative responses, he offered Zeixault a position as a drug runner in exchange for his life. Zeixault, of course, agreed, loathe though he was to be under anyone's control.Cyril wasn't kind to people for no reason, but he did foster loyalty from his underlings by allowing them privileges. Zeixault had to earn his trust, making deliveries and going unnoticed, sneaking into places to steal things he was told to, and slipping poisons into food and drinks as requested.In time, he earned the right to a new name, one given to him to replace the Myste surname common among those abandoned in the Brume. The better he did, and the more jobs he did, the better life got for him. Cyril gave him a place to sleep, food to eat, and encouraged his interest in alchemy by supplying him with books on the subject and a suitable location to practice. In his teens, Zeixault began experimenting with designing his own poisons, attempting to tailor them to the intended victim. He was also eventually tasked with overseeing somnus production, which was something he detested at first but came to enjoy, once he realized the power it could hold over a man.


In his early twenties, Zeixault hunted down his mother's family (now only consisting only of his grandfather) and, with the help of Cyril's connections, manipulated and subsequently blackmailed him into naming Zeixault as heir.One of his more latent ambitions is to one day hunt down and kill his father, an unknown entity whom he has always blamed for all his misfortune in life.Currently, Zeixault still trades in various illegal substances (though primarily somnus and lethal poisons) and now lives in relative luxury, compared to how he grew up.

Relationships (WIP)


- Mother (deceased): A pious, unyielding woman with fair skin and pale green hair. She would punish Zeixault often simply for existing.
- Father (unknown): Zeixault never got a description of his father, though he assumes he must be a duskwight, given his own coloring and appearance.


- Employer: Cyril Montaigne, 58. A tall, stern-looking man with a calculating gaze. He runs a bar and lounge, which Zeixault helps to supply, that serves as a front for his other, less legal dealings.


- "No."